Managing Partner
Prof. Dr. Jörg W. Fischer

Why I accompany companies on their way to digitization

I believe that sticking to old methods is a dilemma of today's digitization consulting. We use old methods even though we suspect that new methods exist in secret that can raise our capabilities to a new level.

Today a company needs more than ever Guidance, tools and methods that can lead them safely, accurately and directly on the inevitable transformation to the future. 

Sometimes I am asked why I and we from the STZ-RIM advise

From my perspective, there is an important reason why we, and I in particular, offer digitization consulting today.

In 2005, when I was still a young Digital Factory consultant at Tecnomatix GmbH, the news came that we had been acquired by Unigraphics Solutions GmbH. After a few years in the digital factory I now came for the first time with Product Lifecycle Management in connection. 

The PLM salespeople and consultants at the time extolled the features and functions of Teamcenter in the market. A common phrase from consultants to customers at that time was: "Tell me what you want and I'll implement it". Each customer got a different implementation depending on what they wanted or what the consultant thought was the right approach.

Even then I felt that this could not be sustainable. There was so much more hidden behind the subject. Only no one was talking about it. Only later did I realize that it was a blind spot. No one could really talk about it because the language for it wasn't there yet.

In 2006, my former team leader Olaf Brand gave me the task of dealing with the topic of product structures. I set out to solve it. There was neither literature nor any clues on how to approach the topic.
In 2011, after more than a year of discussions in a BOM Best Practice Group, I was able for the first time to outline a Structural theory formulate.

A short time later, one morning I came to the central realization that changed everything. It said that the information models in the IT systems, i.e. PLM, ERP, etc., are the crystallization seeds of the business processes in companies. This realization changed everything for me and I made it the central guiding principle in everything I did. Suddenly everything was much easier. It was like having a light to guide you safely in the thickest fog.

Based on this guiding principle, I have developed over the years Methods, Tools and Process models with the help of which information architectures and flows in companies can be precisely described, clearly modeled and designed. In the meantime, this has developed into our RIM-Intention to Execute X have become.

From my perspective RIM-Intention to Execute X a game changer. The precision with which we analyze today and make complex digitization solutions designable and implementable is unique. It opens up the basis for a completely new type of consulting, which in particular also enables the balancing act between aggregation at top management levels to resolution at the level of the bits in the IT systems.

That is also the reason why I consult. I was aware that this approach can decisively move companies forward and lead them into the future. I couldn't keep it to myself, but had to make it available to everyone (here, here, here and of course on our YouTube channel).

Now the question was what was the appropriate framework to make the approach available to companies.

The solution was obvious. It was technology transfer. There has long been a unique organizational framework for this, namely the Steinbeis Verbund. As a company in the Steinbeis Verbund, we in the state of Baden-Württemberg have the task of strengthening the transfer of knowledge and technology from research institutions and universities to industry.

With our RIM-Intention to Execute X we succeed perfectly.

We look forward to working with you.

Kind regards your

Prof. Dr. Jörg W. Fischer

My path to professorship and consulting

Originally, my desire was to understand the world. My plan was therefore to study physics, and yet I ended up in mechanical engineering. How did that come about? It is a story suitable for a balmy summer evening, preferably with a glass of red wine.

So I studied mechanical engineering - production technology at the Karlsruhe University studied. Around 1994 was then the subject Object orientation and C++ one of the most hotly debated topics on campus. SAP was already known to the experts at the time, and as a young student I became aware that the interface between mechanical engineering, information technology and economics would be of central importance in the future.

Consequently, I applied at the Institute for Industrial Engineering and Management (ifab) in the area of organizational structure planning for a HiWi position as C++ developer. This without any programming experience. It took some convincing to get the job and it was worth it! I learned object-oriented programming and developed innovative, object-oriented simulation methods for operational production.

At the end of my studies, I became a research assistant and was given the opportunity to use the simulation method I had developed in consulting. At that time, I was still working in the areas of organizational structure, assembly and factory planning, lean management and the use of computers in mechanical engineering.

As part of my industrial activities, I subsequently worked as a senior consultant, project manager and business consulting manager in various industries. The core of my work was to decisively advance companies in their processes in the area of digital factory and product lifecycle management (PLM).

In 2008, a long-awaited wish came true. I was appointed professor for manufacturing technology and the CAD/CAM/CNC process chain at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences appointed. During this time, the basic logics and initial concepts for the consulting methods that we use today in technology transfer were also developed.

After the then dean Prof. Dr. Wolfang Hoheisel had asked me in 2012 to join the Karlsruhe University to change, the time had come in March 2013. I was appointed Professor of Production Management, PLM and Digitalization at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences.

In the same year I also got into the Steinbeis Transfer Center Computer Application in Mechanical Engineering (STZ-RIM)which Prof. Hoheisel had already founded in 1985.

Today I have a part-time job in addition to my professorship as Methods- and Strategy Consultant for demanding Topics working for well-known companies in the industry. Due to my activity I have a quite extensive Knowledge and Understanding of all central corporate processes in different industries. Through the many great discussions with practitioners, from clerks to top management, I know and understand many of the very different Problemsthat companies have today. Due to the STZ-RIM With the methods we have developed and our ear to the ground in research, I am convinced that I can predict a lot of what the future of digitization will bring.

Impressions of what we do

FISCHER, Jörg W.: ERP, PLM, MES and CRM - a new perspective - a new universe - part 1
In: ERP Management,
Berlin, (2023)2, pp. 16-21.
(ISSN 1860-6725)

Völker, Sven; FISCHER, Jörg W.: Light into the Dark - How to Design Industry 4.0 and Digitalization Scenarios with Lifecycle Mapping.
In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb,
Munich, 111(2016)1-2, pp. 69-72.
(ISSN: 0947-0085)

Völker, Sven; Fischer, Jörg W.:
A Contribution to the Life Cycle Management of Simulation Models in the Digital Factory.
In: Rabe, Markus; Clausen, Uwe (Eds.): Simulation in Production and Logistics.
Proceedings 16th ASIM Symposium Simulation in Production and Logistics
Dortmund, 2015, pp. 417-426.

Light into the dark - Understanding PLM means knowing life cycle effects.
In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb,
Munich, 110(2015)1-2, pp.36-39.
(ISSN: 0947-0085)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Schmich, Matthias:
Don't focus exclusively on technology when it comes to PLM.
In: Economic Engineering,
Baden-Baden, (2015)1, pp.20-21.
(ISSN: 1866-5004)

The innovative process needs flexibility and freedom!
In: Transfer. The Steinbeis Magazine,
Stuttgart, (2014)4, pp.14-15.
(ISSN: 1864-1768)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Dietrich Ute:
Recognizing patterns where others see chaos.
Why the "L" is often forgotten in Product Lifecycle Management
In: ProductDataJournal,
Darmstadt, 21(2014)1, pp.66-69.
(ISSN: 1436-0403)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Hoheisel, Wolfgang; Dietrich Ute; Ovtcharova, Jivka;
Schmich, Matthias:
Why we can lose so much in product creation.
In: Economic Engineering,
Baden-Baden, (2014)4, pp.74-77.
(ISSN: 1866-5004)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Hoheisel, Wolfgang; Dietrich Ute:
Ready for PLM?
Steinbeis helps companies to shape the consistency of engineering
In: Transfer. The Steinbeis Magazine,
Stuttgart, (2014)2, pp.22-23.
(ISSN: 1864-1768)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Dietrich Ute:
Recognize patterns where others see chaos.
Why the "L" is often forgotten in Product Lifecycle Management
In: ProductDataJournal,
Darmstadt, 21(2014)1, pp.66-69.
(ISSN: 1436-0403)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Hoheisel, Wolfgang; Dietrich Ute; Ovtcharova, Jivka:
Understand and implement PLM
In: PLM IT Report Engineering and Data Management,
Darmstadt, 3(2014)3, pp.26-29.
(ISSN: 0930-7117)

Lifecycle Mapping - Understanding and Designing PLM
Demonstrated with a practical example of requirements management.
In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb,
Munich, 109(2014)3, pp.138-141.
(ISSN: 0947-0085)

Lean Product Development.
Implementation of lean product development with PLM-ML.
In: Research Report on Mechanical Engineering in Baden-Württemberg,
Bingen, (2013)1, pp.32-35.
(ISSN: 2196-8659)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Ovtcharova, Jivka:
Lean information management in PLM.
How companies can shape operational information development in the product development process., as of 08.11.2013.
(ISSN 2193-8415)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Stowasser, Sascha:
Industrial Engineering and Lean Product Development.
In: Industrial Engineering, journal of the REFA-Bundesverband,
Darmstadt, 66(2013)2, pp.20-27.
(ISSN: 1866-2269)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Rebel, Martin; Lammel, Bernhard; Gruber, Jürgen:
Systematic optimization of the Product Development Process with PLM-ML.
In: ProductDataJournal,
Darmstadt, 20(2013)1, pp.48-52.
(ISSN: 1436-0403)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Rebel, Martin; Lammel, Bernhard; Gruber, Jürgen:
Systematic optimization of the product development process with PLM-ML.
In: ProductDataJournal,
Darmstadt, 20(2013)1, pp. 48-52.
(ISSN: 1436-0403)

FISCHER Jörg W.; Lammel Bernhard; Hosenfeld Dirk; Bawachkar Deodatt; Brinkmeier Bernd:
Do(PLM)Con: An Instrument for Systematic Design of Integrated PLM Architectures.
In: Smart Product Engineering.
Eds.: Abramovici, Michael and STARK, Rainer.
(Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, Volume 5.)
Heidelberg: Springer 2013. p. 211-220
ISBN: 978-3-642-30816-1

Rebel, Martin; FISCHER, Jörg W.; Hasse, Armin; Michielsen, Cees:
Enhancing Interpretation-Quality of Requirements Using PLM Integrated Requirements-Communication in Cross Company Development Processes.
In: Smart Product Engineering.
Eds.: Abramovici, Michael and STARK, Rainer.
(Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, Volume 5.)
Heidelberg: Springer 2013. p. 43-50
ISBN: 978-3-642-30816-1

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Brinkmeier, Bernd:
Do(PLM)Con - Proposal of a taxonomy for the development of PLM architectures.
In: ProductDataJournal,
Darmstadt, 19(2012)1, pp.24-28.
(ISSN: 1436-0403)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Brinkmeier, Bernd:
Do(PLM)Con - Proposal of a systematics for the development of PLM architectures.
In: ProductDataJournal,
Darmstadt, 19(2012)1, pp.24-28.
(ISSN: 1436-0403)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Michielsen, Cees; Rebel, Martin; Hasse, Armin:
PLM integrated requirements management.
SITIO-An approach to PLM-integrated requirements communication in distributed product development processes using aspects of linguistic pragmatics.
In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb,
Munich, 107(2012)3, pp. 163-167.
(ISSN: 0947-0085)

Visual product communication with NX.
Emotional product proximity long before the first prototype.
In: Interface,
Cologne, 2(2011)14, pp. 36-37.
(ISSN 1869-4713)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Lammel, Bernhard; Hosenfeld, Dirk; Glauche, Marc; Brinkmeier, Bernd:
Implementation of domain-integrating PLM solutions.
Do(PLM)Con - an approach to the design and implementation of domain-integrating PLM solutions.
In: Industry Management,
Berlin, 27(2011)5, pp. 17-21.
(ISSN 1434-1980)

Digital factory - Great potential for industrial SMEs.
In: Betriebspraxis & Arbeitsforschung - Zeitschrift für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft,
Heidelberg, 208(2011), pp. 6-12.
(ISSN: 2191-6268)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Adam Tony; Model, Thomas:
3D CAD in construction - present and future.
Continuous construction processes with the 3D CAD system NX 7.5
In: Interface,
Cologne, 1(2011)14, pp. 30-31.
(ISSN 1869-4713)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; Glauche, Marc:
Outline of a design framework for product structures.
Integration of the application areas CAx and BOM considering the aspects methodology,
Organization and IT technology.
In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb,
Munich, 106(2011)3, pp. 127-132.
(ISSN: 0947-0085)

Digital factory in the midmarket.
Universities can help to tap the potential of the digital factory!
In: Interface,
Cologne, 2(2010)13, p. 39.
(ISSN 1869-4713)

FISCHER, Jörg W.; GATHMANN, Dietmar:
Feature Based Machining. Use of knowledge-based methods of the digital factory for the realization of a partially automated production process planning in prototype construction at BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH.
In: wt-Werkstattstechnik online,
Düsseldorf, 6(2009), pp. 432-437.
(ISSN: 1436-4980), 07/17/2009.

Employee-controlled flexibilization of working time in an industrial
Repair work system.
In: Innovations for Work and Organization.
Report on the 52nd Congress of the Society for Industrial Science, 20-22.
March 2006 (presentation on 22.03.06).
Ed.: Society for the Study of Labor.
Dortmund: GfA-Press, 2006, pp. 313-316.
(ISBN 3-936804-00-1)

Transfer of a North American planning process to the Central European planning areas of a global OEM.
In: Work Organization in a Globalized Economy.
Ed.: ZÜLCH, Gert.
Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2005, pp. 78-95.

FISCHER, Jörg; STOCK, Patricia; ZÜLCH, Gert;:
Simulation of Disassembly and Re-assembly Processes with Beta-distributed operation Times.
In: Integrating Human Aspects in Production Management.
Eds: ZÜLCH, Gert; JAGDEV, Harinder S.; STOCK, Patricia.
New York: Springer Verlag, 2005, pp. 147-156.

A Generic Object Model for Modeling and Simulation of Operational Decisions in Production Systems.
Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2004.
(zugl. Karlsruhe, Uni Diss., 2004).
(ISBN: 978-3-8322-2937-5)