RIM Academy

Essentials for digital transformation and creating future-proof businesses

The RIM Academy

Since 2017, we have been operating our YouTube channel.
The goal was to make parts of our knowledge available to the general public.

Do you know this? You want to penetrate complex digitalization topics from within your company. Now you need to consult a software vendor or a consulting firm. It is in the nature of things that their first intention is to sell the software or service and only secondly to provide you with precise knowledge. As a result, it is often difficult to obtain valid, neutral knowledge about digitization. This is where our YouTube channel comes in.

We wanted to convey the essence of knowledge on the topics of digitization, PLM, ERP, configuration, etc. in a condensed form. The success of our channel proved us right. Behind the channel is what we call the RIM High Performing Method and Knowledge Machine, our steadily growing toolbox of methods and knowledge.

With the initiation of the RIM Academy, we have decided to make this available to the public in different teaching and learning formats. All our formats can be certified on request. In doing so, we work with the Steinbeis+Academy together.

RIM Academy

The special feature of the RIM Academy

When we speak of the RIM Academy, we sometimes use the Shaolin Monastery term for digitization. This analogy derives from the specificity of our view of digitization, much like the specificity of the Shaolin monks' martial art. We know from our projects and the feedback from our clients that there is great strength in our viewpoints and methods, and that they combine theory and practice with extraordinary precision. Of course, we also share the humility of the Shaolin monks. There are many views on the topic of digitization and many competitors in the market who, like us, offer exceptional teaching and consulting concepts.

Just as the teaching in Shaolin Monastery is based on the techniques of Shaolin Kung Fu, the RIM Academy is based on a set of concepts and principles that give it its uniqueness in the context of knowledge transfer.

The language system of the RIM-High Performing Method and Knowledge Machine

Within the framework of our RIM-High Performing Method and Knowledge Machine, we have created a language and explanation level that abstracts the complex interrelationships of reality in an understandable and technology-neutral way. It is a naturally usable language system which is sufficiently formalized in the focused subject areas (the system enterprise) to be able to speak precisely. This creates a completely new discussability of the most complex contents around the Digitization. From our language and explanation level, a system of precise maps for a basic orientation of digitization in companies has emerged that does not yet exist in this form. Our methodologies are extracted from reality. We have crystallized the associated knowledge extracts from the exact application in operational reality using our methods of Ontology Contouring and Reality Extracted Categorization.

Prima Inter Pares Principle of Digitization Knowledge

The digitalization of companies means digitally mapping the reality of the company in order to then prospectively simulate real (business) processes, digitally automate them or provide technical support for their execution. Information architectures are mapped in IT systems for this purpose. These have special information and structure semantics suitable for the respective purpose. Information and structure semantics thus form the skeleton or framework through which the business processes are handled. The desired behavior that is to be mapped in the IT system is anchored in their objects. Information and structural semantics therefore play a key role in the transfer of digitization knowledge (Prima Inter Pares). The RIM-Prima Inter Pares principle takes up this insight and places information and structural semantics at the center of all RIM-Academy teaching concepts.

Project Competence Principle

The Steinbeis project competence concept focuses on a consistent practical orientation with a solid scientific foundation.

With this concept, we are treading innovative paths in terms of both content and organization: the projects carried out by our students as integral transfer instruments ensure that, as part of their courses, students acquire the necessary skills to transfer the knowledge they have acquired through practical application in a company. At the same time, the projects associated with the courses ensure that the practical orientation in terms of the student's learning objectives is consistently pursued and promoted throughout the entire duration of the course.